OCTAVE User Service Agreement

更新日期:2023年 5 月 17 日
生效日期:2024年 12 月 31 日
Update Date: May 17, 2023
Effective Date: December 31, 2024


非常感谢您注册使用音昱生活产品,为让您更好地使用我们提供的产品和服务,请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解《音昱生活用户服务协议》(以下称「用户协议」或 「本协议」)各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款,并选择接受或不接受。本协议中限制、免责条款可能以加粗形式提醒您注意。

Dear User, thank you very much for registering and using OCTAVE products. To better use the products and services we provide, please carefully read, and fully understand the “OCTAVE User Service Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as the “User Agreement Policy” or “this Agreement”), especially the terms that exempt or limit liability, and choose whether to accept or not. The limitation and exemption clauses in this agreement may be highlighted to draw your attention.


After confirming that you fully understand and agree, you can use the products or services of OCTAVE. When you start using the products or services of OCTAVE, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to this agreement. During the process of reading this agreement and using the products or services of OCTAVE, if you do not agree with any term of this agreement, please stop using the products or services of OCTAVE immediately.


  1. 协议的范围
  2. 产品及服务简介
  3. 会员服务
  4.  知识产权声明
  5. 用户个人信息保护及网络安全
  6. 用户账号、密码和安全性
  7. 使用规范
  8. 免责声明
  9. 产品/服务的变更、中止或结束
  10. 未成年人使用条款
  11. 违约责任
  12. 适用法律及争议解决方式
  13. 其他规定

This agreement includes the following content:

  1. Scope of the Agreement
  2. Product and Service Introduction
  3. Member Services
  4. Intellectual Property Statement
  5. User Personal Information Protection and Network Security
  6. User Account, Password, and Security
  7. Usage Regulations
  8. Disclaimer
  9. Changes, Suspension, or Termination of Products/Services
  10. Terms for Minors
  11. Breach of Contract Liability
  12. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
  13. Other Provisions

1. 协议的范围

1.1 音昱生活 、音昱生活相关小程序(以下统称「音昱生活产品」)是由苏州万邦置业发展有限公司及关联公司及其关联公司(包括但不限于苏州万邦置业发展有限公司上海分公司、苏州万邦逸健咨询管理有限公司、苏州万邦意美医疗美容诊所有限公司、苏州万邦意源门诊部有限公司、音昱(上海)企业管理有限公司、玉理(上海)管理咨询有限公司、八律(上海)企业管理咨询有限公司、意澄(上海)管理咨询有限公司在内的所有公司)、苏州万邦意生健康有限公司,以及未来新设并被纳入OCTAVE集团公司的其他主体。(以下称「音昱生活」或「我们」)提供的互联网产品和服务。

1.Scope of the Agreement

1.1 OCTAVE and its related mini-programs (hereinafter referred to as “OCTAVE Products”) are Internet products and services provided by Suzhou IMC Property Development Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies (including but not limited to Suzhou IMC Property Development Co., Ltd (Shanghai Branch), Suzhou IMC Yijian Consulting Management Co., Ltd., Suzhou Atone Cosmetic Clinic Co., Ltd., Suzhou IMC Atone Clinic Co Ltd, Octave Real Estate(Shanghai) Management Co.,Ltd, Octave (Shanghai) Management Co.,Ltd., Living Octave(Shanghai) Management Consulting Company, AITIA Institute(Shanghai) Company Limited, Suzhou IMC Yisheng Healthcare Management Co. Ltd. and other entities that will be newly established and incorporated into OCTAVE Group in the future (hereinafter referred to as “OCTAVE” or “we”).

1.2 本用户协议是用户(您)与音昱生活之间关于使用音昱生活提供的产品和服务所订立的协议,本协议条款的效力及于音昱生活所提供的一切产品和服务,用户在享受音昱生活任何单项服务时,应当受本协议的约束。

1.2 This User Agreement is the agreement between the user (you) and OCTAVE regarding the use of products and services provided by OCTAVE. The effectiveness of this Agreement extends to all products and services provided by OCTAVE, and users should be bound by this Agreement when enjoying any service of OCTAVE.

1.3 本协议内容同时包括《隐私政策》及所有 音昱生活已经发布或未来可能发布的各类规则、公告或通知,且您在使用音昱生活某一特定产品或服务时,可能会另有单独的协议、相关服务规则等,前述规则、公告、通知和协议一经发布即为本协议不可分割的组成部分,您同样应当遵守。如您不同意本协议的约定,您应立即停止注册/激活并停止使用音昱生活的相关产品和服务。

1.3 The content of this agreement also includes the “Privacy Policy” and all kinds of rules, announcements, or notices that OCTAVE has already released or may release in the future. And when you use a specific product or service of OCTAVE, there may be separate agreements, relevant service rules, etc. Once these rules, announcements, notices, and agreements are released, they are an integral part of this agreement, which you should also comply with. If you do not agree with the provisions of this agreement, you should immediately stop registering/activating and stop using the related products and services of OCTAVE.

1.4 音昱生活有权根据需要不时地修订本协议及/或各类规则(包括但不限于制定新的条款和修改既有条款),并以在线公告的方式进行变更公告。若您在前述公告修订后继续使用音昱生活的产品或服务,即视为您已阅读、理解并接受经过修订的协议和规则。若您不同意修订,应当立即停止使用音昱生活提供的产品和服务。

1.4 OCTAVE has the right to revise this agreement and/or various rules (including but not limited to formulating new terms and modifying existing terms) from time to time as needed, and to make change announcements in the form of online announcements. If you continue to use the products or services of OCTAVE after the announcement of revision, it is deemed that you have read, understood, and accepted the revised agreement and rules. If you do not agree with the revision, you should immediately stop using the products and services provided by OCTAVE.

1.5 除本协议明确规定外,对于利用音昱生活开发/发布的产品和服务,音昱生活有权在本协议的基础上通过单独的产品和服务协议(以下称「单项产品协议」)加以规范,用户须在使用有关产品或服务时另行了解与确认。单项产品协议与本协议有冲突的地方,以单项产品协议为准。如用户使用该产品或服务,即视为对相关单项产品协议的接受。

1.5 Except as expressly provided in this agreement, for products and services developed/published by OCTAVE, OCTAVE has the right to regulate it through separate product and service agreements (hereinafter referred to as “single product agreements”) based on this agreement. Users need to understand and confirm separately when using related products or services. If there is a conflict between the single product agreement and this agreement, the single product agreement shall prevail. If the user uses the product or service, it is deemed to accept the relevant single product agreement.


2.1 音昱生活为用户提供多样的互联网产品和服务,包括但不限于训练课程、跑步、步行、骑行等相关产品。

2.Introduction to OCTAVE Products and Services

2.1 OCTAVE provides users with a variety of Internet products and services, including but not limited to training courses, running, walking, cycling, and other related products.

2.2 音昱生活将尽力提供畅通无阻的在线服务,但平台的网络接入服务可能受多种因素的影响出现链接受阻、受限或被终止,由此给您带来的损失、不便,我们将不负任何责任。

2.2 OCTAVE will strive to provide unimpeded online services, but the platform’s network access services may be blocked, restricted, or terminated due to various factors. We will not be responsible for any losses or inconveniences this may cause you.

2.3 音昱生活仅提供在线产品和服务,除此之外与网络服务有关的设备(如手机、个人电脑、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。

2.3 OCTAVE only provides online products and services. Besides, the equipment related to network services (such as mobile phones, personal computers, and other devices related to Internet access or mobile networks) and the costs required (such as telephone and Internet fees paid for Internet access, mobile phone fees paid for using mobile networks) should be borne by the user themselves.

2.4 音昱生活的替换、修改和升级

2.4.1 为增进用户体验、完善服务内容,音昱生活有权根据您对软件的使用状态和行为开发新的服务;

2.4.2 为改进、增强和进一步开发服务,音昱生活有权不时提供软件更新(包括软件升级替换、修改、功能强化、版本升级等形式;

2.4.3 用户理解并同意:音昱生活有权不向您特别通知而对音昱生活进行更新,或对音昱生活的部分功能进行改变或限制。

2.4.4 音昱生活新版本发布后,旧版本可能无法使用。音昱生活不保证旧版音昱生活及相应的服务继续可用。为充分、及时使用音昱生活的服务,请您随时核对并下载最新版本。

2.4 Replacement, modification, and upgrade of OCTAVE

2.4.1 To enhance the user experience and improve service content, OCTAVE has the right to develop new services based on your usage status and behavior of the software.

2.4.2 To improve, enhance and further develop services, OCTAVE has the right to provide software updates from time to time (including software upgrade replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.).

2.4.3 The user understands and agrees: OCTAVE has the right to update OCTAVE or change or restrict some functions of OCTAVE without notifying you specially.

2.4.4 After the new version of OCTAVE is released, the old version may not be usable. OCTAVE does not guarantee that the old version of OCTAVE and its services will continue to be available. To use the services of OCTAVE fully and promptly, please check and download the latest version at any time.

2.5 第三方应用及服务


2.5.1 用户使用第三方提供的产品与服务时,第三方将根据用户的授权获得用户的个人资料和内容信息。这些资料和信息由用户自行决定授权给第三方。关于您使用第三方产品与服务时个人信息处理的规则和规范,均以《隐私政策》规定的内容为准。用户须明确:您向第三方授权获得您个人资料和内容信息的行为,可能发生的信息泄露的风险;您在使用第三方服务的同时,除遵守本协议及音昱生活的其他相关规则外,您还应遵守第三方的协议、相关规则。如因第三方产品及相关服务产生的争议、损失或损害,由您自行与第三方解决,音昱生活对此不承担责任。

2.5.2 音昱生活引入第三方服务的目的在于丰富音昱生活产品,从而给用户创造更好的服务体验。但因第三方服务出现的瑕疵或错误而产生的责任,由第三方自行承担,与音昱生活无关。当然,音昱生活会对第三方提供的服务进行审查或审核,但基于服务的专业性,难免存在遗漏。第三方服务商并不因音昱生活的审查或审核疏漏而免于责任承担。

2.5.3 音昱生活对第三方提供的应用享有审核管理权,有权在不通知用户的情况下,对第三方产品或服务进行下架处理,由此给用户带来的影响、损失,音昱生活将不承担责任,由用户自行承担或与第三方协商,但音昱生活将尽力保障用户权益不受侵犯。

2.5.4 用户使用第三方应用登录时,可以选择授权音昱生活在符合相关法律法规要求的前提下读取并获得您在该第三方平台上公布、记录的公开信息(包括昵称、头像、地区、性别、联系邮箱)。我们需要您授权从第三方获取上述信息是为了记住您作为音昱生活用户的登录身份。 在您使用第三方帐号注册或登录后,您的第三方帐号将会与音昱生活帐号进行绑定。

2.5.5 用户因使用第三方应用而与该第三方开发者产生的任何纠纷,由用户与开发者自行协商解决,相关责任和赔偿由开发者单独承担,音昱生活不承担任何责任。

2.5 Third-party applications and services to better provide you with OCTAVE product services, we may provide third-party functions and services, including but not limited to tool services, video, or picture services, etc., and various services that may appear in the future. When users use this function or service, they should comply with the provisions of this agreement and the corresponding agreements, terms, or rules of the third party. The rights and obligations between users and third parties are executed in accordance with relevant agreements, terms, or rules. When users use the products and services provided by third parties, they must understand and agree:

2.5.1 When users use the products and services provided by third parties, the third party will obtain the user’s personal data and content information according to the user’s authorization. These data and information are authorized by the user themselves to the third party. The rules and regulations on the processing of personal information when you use third-party products and services are subject to the content stipulated in the “Privacy Policy”. Users must understand: the risk of information leakage that may occur from your authorization to third parties to obtain your personal data and content information; while using third-party services, in addition to complying with this agreement and other relevant rules of OCTAVE, you should also comply with third-party agreements and relevant rules. For disputes, losses or damages caused by third-party products and related services, you should resolve them with the third party by yourself, and OCTAVE will not be responsible for this.

2.5.2 The purpose of OCTAVE introducing third-party services is to enrich OCTAVE products, thereby creating a better service experience for users. However, responsibilities arising from defects or errors in third-party services are borne by the third party and have nothing to do with OCTAVE. Of course, OCTAVE will review or audit the services provided by third parties, but omissions are inevitable due to the professionalism of the services. Third-party service providers are not exempt from liability due to omissions in OCTAVE’s review or audit.

2.5.3 OCTAVE has the right to review and manage third-party applications and has the right to remove third-party products or services without notifying users. OCTAVE will not be responsible for the impact or loss caused to users, which should be borne by the user themselves or negotiated with the third party, but OCTAVE will try its best to protect the rights and interests of users from infringement.

2.5.4 When users use third-party applications to log in, they can choose to authorize OCTAVE to read and obtain your public information published and recorded on that third-party platform (including nickname, avatar, region, gender, contact email) in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. We need your authorization to obtain the above information from third parties in order to remember your login identity as a OCTAVE user. After you use a third-party account to register or log in, your third-party account will be bound to the OCTAVE account.

2.5.5 Any disputes between the user and the third-party developer due to the use of the third-party application shall be resolved through negotiation between the user and the developer. The developer shall bear the relevant responsibilities and compensation alone, and OCTAVE shall not bear any responsibility.


3.1 会员服务,指音昱生活会员享有的特殊服务,以下简称「会员」。包括会员有效期内无限次免费使用专属训练计划制、免费无限次观看课程精讲、购买音昱生活商城中带有「会员专属」标签的商品且无限次享受专属低价、以相对优惠的价格购买指定商品(即会员专享价)、专属客服、专属代金券、商城包邮、课表提前看、专属标识,以及其他由音昱生活明示的优惠措施。用户开通会员服务时,须按照音昱生活公布的收费标准支付相应的会员服务费用。基于业务的发展,音昱生活有权调整收费标准,调整后的收费标准自公布之日起生效。

3.OCTAVE Membership Services

3.1 Membership services refer to the special services enjoyed by OCTAVE members, hereinafter referred to as “members”. These include unlimited free use of exclusive training plan making, unlimited free viewing of course lectures, unlimited purchases of goods with the “member exclusive” label in OCTAVE mall and enjoying exclusive low prices, purchasing specified goods at relatively preferential prices (i.e., member exclusive prices), exclusive customer service, exclusive vouchers, free shipping in the mall, advance viewing of course schedules, exclusive identification, and other preferential measures explicitly stated by OCTAVE. When users activate membership services, they must pay the corresponding membership service fees according to the charging standards announced by OCTAVE. Based on the development of the business, OCTAVE has the right to adjust the charging standards, and the adjusted charging standards will come into effect on the day of the announcement.

3.2 用户知悉并确认,当开通会员服务后,若您中途取消服务或终止资格的,音昱生活将不退还您已支付的会员服务费用。

3.2 The user acknowledges and confirms that after activating the membership service, if you cancel the service or terminate the qualification midway, OCTAVE will not refund the membership service fees you have paid.

3.3 使用会员服务过程中,您应当是具备完全民事权利能力和完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或其他组织。若您不具备前述主体资格,则您及您的监护人应当承担因此而导致的一切后果,音昱生活有权向您的监护人追偿。

3.3 During the use of the membership service, you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization with full civil rights and full civil conduct capacity. If you do not have the subject qualifications, you and your guardian should bear all the consequences resulting from this, and OCTAVE has the right to recover from your guardian.

3.4 您知悉并同意,音昱生活有权通邮件、短信等方式,向您发送会员相关活动的信息。

3.4 You acknowledge and agree that OCTAVE has the right to send you information about membership-related activities through emails, text messages, and other methods.

3.5 您确认会员服务仅限您本人使用,同时,您保证,您将合理使用会员服务,不会利用会员服务非法获利,不以任何形式转让您所享有的会员服务,不以任何形式将您所享有的会员服务借给他人使用,如音昱生活有合理理由怀疑您存在不当使用会员服务时,音昱生活有权取消您的会员资格且不退还您支付的会员服务费用,因此产生的相关责任及损失均由您自行承担,给音昱生活造成损失的,音昱生活保留向您追偿的权利。

3.5 You confirm that the membership service is for your own use only. At the same time, you guarantee that you will use the membership service reasonably, will not profit illegally from the membership service, will not transfer the membership service you enjoy in any form, and will not lend the membership service you enjoy to others in any form. If OCTAVE has reasonable reasons to suspect that you are using the membership service improperly, OCTAVE has the right to cancel your membership qualification and will not refund the membership service fee you paid. You shall bear all related responsibilities and losses resulting from this. If it causes losses to OCTAVE, OCTAVE reserves the right to recover from you.

3.6 音昱生活保留在法律法规允许的范围内自行决定是否接受您的会员服务申请、调整会员服务内容、取消会员资格等权利。

3.6 OCTAVE reserves the right to decide whether to accept your membership service application, adjust membership service content, cancel membership qualifications, etc., within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.


4.1 音昱生活依法享有音昱生活 产品的一切合法权属(包括但不限于知识产权及所有权)。音昱生活的全部著作权及其他一切知识产权,以及与音昱生活相关的所有信息内容,包括但不限于:文字表述及其组合、图标、图饰、图标、色彩组合、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据、印刷材料、或电子文档等均受中国知识产权相关法律法规和有关的国际条约的保护。

4.Intellectual Property Statement

4.1 OCTAVE legally owns all the legitimate rights of OCTAVE products (including but not limited to intellectual property rights and ownership). All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of OCTAVE, as well as all information content related to OCTAVE, including but not limited to text expressions and their combinations, icons, decorations, icons, color combinations, interface designs, layout frameworks, related data, printed materials, or electronic documents are protected by relevant Chinese intellectual property laws and regulations and relevant international treaties.

4.2 音昱生活产品及通过音昱生活产品提供的视频、游戏、技术软件等产品和信息,除用户自己上传或明确标示由第三方提供的之外,全部权利归属于音昱生活。

4.2 The products and information provided by OCTAVE products and through OCTAVE products, such as videos, games, technical software, etc., except for those uploaded by users themselves or explicitly provided by third parties, all rights belong to OCTAVE.

4.3 音昱生活产品中所体现的产品和服务标识均属于音昱生活在中国或其他国家、地区的商标或者注册商标,用户未经合法授权不得自行使用。

4.3 The product and service logos reflected in OCTAVE products are trademarks or registered trademarks of OCTAVE in China or other countries and regions, and users may not use them without legal authorization.

4.4 音昱生活在涉及音昱生活产品及相关各项服务中拥有专利权、专利申请权、商标权、著作权及其他知识产权。音昱生活并未因为本协议或者因为向用户提供音昱生活以及相关产品和服务而授予用户任何与音昱生活相关的知识产权。本协议未明确授予用户的权利均由音昱生活保留。

4.4 OCTAVE owns patent rights, patent application rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights in OCTAVE products and related services. OCTAVE does not grant users any intellectual property rights related to OCTAVE because of this agreement or because it provides OCTAVE and related products and services to users. Rights not explicitly granted to users by this agreement are reserved by OCTAVE.



5.User Personal Information Protection and Network Security

Protecting user personal information is a basic principle of OCTAVE. You acknowledge, understand, and agree that, during our service, we may need to process user personal information. OCTAVE will handle your personal information in accordance with this agreement and the “Privacy Policy”. The provisions on personal information protection in this agreement conflict with the “Privacy Policy”, and the content of the “Privacy Policy” shall prevail where the agreement does not explicitly provide for the protection of personal information. We hope to clearly introduce to you how we handle user personal information through the “Privacy Policy”, so we recommend that you read the “Privacy Policy” in its entirety to help you better protect your personal information.

5.1 您在注册账号或使用音昱生活产品和服务的过程中,可能需要填写一些必要的信息。若国家法律法规有特殊规定的,您需要填写真实的身份信息。若您填写的信息不完整,可能无法使用音昱生活的产品或服务,或在使用过程中受到限制。关于处理您个人信息的详细规定,请参见《隐私政策》。您须对在音昱生活的注册信息的真实性、合法性、有效性承担全部责任,不得冒充他人;不得利用他人的名义发布任何信息;不得恶意使用注册账户导致其他用户误认;否则音昱生活有权立即停止提供服务,收回其账户并由用户独自承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。

5.1 During the process of registering an account or using OCTAVE products and services, you may need to fill in some necessary information. If there are special provisions in national laws and regulations, you need to fill in real identity information. If the information you fill in is incomplete, you may not be able to use OCTAVE products or services or be restricted in the process of using them. For detailed regulations on how we handle your personal information, please refer to the “Privacy Policy”. You must bear all responsibility for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the registration information on OCTAVE, you must not impersonate others; you must not post any information in the name of others; you must not maliciously use the registered account to mislead other users; otherwise, OCTAVE has the right to immediately stop providing services, take back its account and the user alone bears all legal responsibilities arising from this.

5.2 您可以随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如账号申诉服务)的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的部分初始注册信息及其他验证信息。音昱生活保留您修改个人信息的审核权。关于您对个人信息享有权利的详细规定,请参见《隐私政策》。

5.2 You can browse and modify the information you submitted at any time, but for security and identity identification (such as account appeal service), you may not be able to modify some initial registration information and other verification information provided at the time of registration. OCTAVE reserves the right to review your modification of personal information. For detailed regulations on your rights to personal information, please refer to the “Privacy Policy”.

5.3 原则上音昱生活不会将您的个人信息控制权向其他公司、组织或个人进行转移。如果发生合并、收购或破产清算,将涉及到个人信息转让,我们将依照《隐私政策》规定处理您的个人信息。

5.3 In principle, OCTAVE will not transfer your personal information control rights to other companies, organizations, or individuals. If there are mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidations that involve the transfer of personal information, we will handle your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the “Privacy Policy”.

5.4 音昱生活非常重视对未成年人信息的保护。若您是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用音昱生活的服务前,您请在父母或监护人监护、指导下共同仔细阅读并理解本用户协议,并在征得您的父母或监护人同意的前提下使用我们的服务或向我们提供信息。如因您违反法律法规、本协议内容,则您及您的监护人应依照法律规定承担因此而导致的一切后果。

5.4 OCTAVE attaches great importance to the protection of minors’ information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, before using the services of OCTAVE, please read and understand this user agreement carefully under the guardianship and guidance of your parents or guardians and use our services or provide us with information on the premise of obtaining the consent of your parents or guardians. If you violate laws and regulations and the content of this agreement, you and your guardian should bear all the consequences arising from this in accordance with the law.

5.5 网络安全




5.5 Network security

OCTAVE’s servers are in the People’s Republic of China, and OCTAVE’s management and operation occur in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Although OCTAVE can be accessed from all over the world, not all functions, products, or services that are discussed, mentioned, supplied, or provided through OCTAVE or on OCTAVE can be obtained by everyone or at all geographical locations.

OCTAVE mainly serves users who have residences or live within the People’s Republic of China (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macau Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan Province). OCTAVE may contain links to other independent third-party OCTAVE, such links are provided only for the convenience of OCTAVE visitors. OCTAVE does not provide any express or implied warranty for the content, services, information, etc. of the link, and such links are not considered as OCTAVE’s recommendation, recognition, or authorization of the link, you need to carefully judge the interaction behavior with such links.

The security and confidentiality of your network connection and data transmission with OCTAVE are affected by the technology you and your telecom operator use, or other external factors outside OCTAVE. Although OCTAVE has taken prudent internal security management systems and operating procedures and technical measures to prevent computer viruses and network attacks, network intrusion, and other harmful network security behaviors, the information, and data you send to OCTAVE still have the possibility of being intercepted by others, OCTAVE cannot guarantee the security and confidentiality of your network connection and data transmission with OCTAVE.


6.1 注册资格您无需注册也可开始使用音昱生活产品及相关服务,但部分功能或服务可能会受到影响。同时,您也理解,为使您更好地使用音昱生活产品及相关服务,保障您的帐号安全,某些功能和/或某些单项服务项目,如评论服务、网络直播服务等,要求您按照国家相关法律法规的规定,提供真实的身份信息实名注册并登录后方可使用。您确认,在您完成注册程序或以其他音昱生活允许的方式实际使用音昱生活提供的产品和服务时,您应当是具备完全民事权利能力和完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或其他组织。若您不具备前述主体资格,则您及您的监护人应承担因此而导致的一切后果,且音昱生活有权注销或永久冻结您的账户,并保留向您或您的监护人索取赔偿的权利。


6.User Account, Password, and Security

6.1 Registration Qualifications You don’t need to register to start using OCTAVE products and related services, but some functions or services may be affected. At the same time, you also understand that, in order to better use OCTAVE products and related services and ensure the security of your account, certain functions and/or certain individual service items, such as comment services, live streaming services, etc., require you to provide real identity information for real-name registration and login in accordance with the provisions of national relevant laws and regulations. You confirm that when you complete the registration process or use the products and services provided by OCTAVE in other ways allowed by OCTAVE, you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization with full civil rights and full civil conduct capacity. If you do not have the subject qualifications, you and your guardian should bear all the consequences resulting from this, and OCTAVE has the right to cancel or permanently freeze your account and reserves the right to seek compensation from you or your guardian. Minors under 18 years of age and other persons with incomplete civil conduct capacity should use the products and services of OCTAVE under the guidance of their legal guardians.

6.2 注册与账户

6.2.1 为完整使用音昱生活提供的产品和服务,您须注册音昱生活提供的账户。用户(您)注册音昱生活账户时须对所提供信息的真实性、合法性、有效性及完整性负责,并及时维护和更新您的个人信息,以保证信息的真实、合法和有效。

6.2.2 您在音昱生活中的注册账号所有权及有关权益均归公司所有,您完成注册手续后仅享有该账号的使用权。您的账号仅限于您本人使用,未经音昱生活书面同意,禁止以任何形式赠与、借用、出租、转让、售卖或以其他方式许可他人使用该账号。如果 音昱生活发现或者有合理理由认为使用者并非账号初始注册人,音昱生活有权暂时或终止向该注册账号提供服务,并有权注销该账号,而无需向注册该账号的用户承担法律责任。

6.2 Registration and Account

6.2.1 To fully use the products and services provided by OCTAVE, you need to register an account provided by OCTAVE. Users (you) are responsible for the authenticity, legality, validity, and completeness of the information provided when registering a OCTAVE account, and should maintain and update your personal information in time to ensure the information is true, legal, and valid.

6.2.2 The ownership and related rights of your account in OCTAVE belong to the company, and you only have the right to use it after completing the registration process. Your account is for your personal use only, and it is forbidden to gift, borrow, rent, transfer, sell, or permit others to use the account in any form without the written consent of OCTAVE. If OCTAVE finds or has reasonable reasons to believe that the user is not the initial registrant of the account, OCTAVE has the right to temporarily or terminate the service provided to the registered account, and has the right to cancel the account, without bearing any legal responsibility to the user who registered the account.

6.3 音昱生活在此特别提醒您务必保护好您的账号及密码,切勿将账号及密码透露给他人。您须自行负责对您的账户和密码进行保密,且须对在您的账户和密码下发生的所有活动(包括但不限于信息披露、信息发布、网上点击同意或提交各类规则协议、网上续签协议或购买服务等)承担责任。音昱生活不能也不会对因您未能遵守本条款规定而发生的任何损失负责。若您发现任何人未经授权使用您的账号及密码,您须立即通知音昱生活。你可以发送邮件至 it@livingoctave.com提出您的请求。您须理解并同意音昱生活根据您的请求采取行动需要合理时间,对在采取行动前已产生的任何不利后果,音昱生活不承担任何责任。因其他人恶意攻击或您自身原因或其他不可抗因素而导致账号盗窃、丢失、均由您本人承担责任,音昱生活不承担任何责任。

6.3 OCTAVE hereby specifically reminds you to protect your account and password well and not to disclose your account and password to others. You must be responsible for keeping your account and password confidential, and you must bear responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password (including but not limited to information disclosure, information posting, online clicking to agree or submit various rules agreements, online renewal agreements or purchase services, etc.). OCTAVE cannot and will not be responsible for any losses that occur because you fail to comply with this clause. If you find that anyone is using your account and password without authorization, you must immediately notify OCTAVE. You can send an email to it@livingoctave.com to submit your request. You understand and agree that it takes a reasonable time for OCTAVE to take action based on your request, and OCTAVE is not responsible for any adverse consequences that have occurred before taking action. Responsibility and liability for account theft and loss due to malicious attacks by others, your own reasons, or other force majeure factors are borne by you, and OCTAVE bears no responsibility.

6.4 您可以对账户设置昵称,您设置的昵称不得侵犯或涉嫌侵犯他人的合法权益。用户承诺设置昵称时遵守以下规定:





如您设置的昵称涉嫌侵犯他人合法权益,音昱生活有权终止向您提供部分或全部软件服务。 音昱生活对此不承担任何责任,您将承担因此产生的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果。

6.4 You can set a nickname for your account, and the nickname you set should not infringe or allegedly infringe on the legal rights of others. Users promise to comply with the following regulations when setting nicknames:

(1) Do not register with the real names, pseudonyms, stage names, and pen names of party and national leaders or other social celebrities.

(2) Do not register in the name of national institutions or other institutions.

(3) Do not register uncivilized, unhealthy names, or accounts that contain discriminatory, insulting, and obscene words.

(4) Do not register accounts that are likely to cause ambiguity, cause misunderstandings by others, or do not comply with legal regulations. If the nickname you set is suspected of infringing on the legal rights of others, OCTAVE has the right to terminate the provision of part or all the software services to you. OCTAVE is not responsible for this, and you will bear any direct or indirect losses and adverse consequences resulting from this.

6.5 如您注册账户后连续两年未登录使用的,音昱生活有权在法律法规允许的范围内回收用户昵称或回收用户账户,以避免造成资源浪费,由此造成的不利后果由您自行承担。

6.5 If you have not logged in to use it for two consecutive years after registering your account, OCTAVE has the right to reclaim user nicknames or reclaim user accounts within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, to avoid causing resource waste, and you should bear all adverse consequences caused by this.

6.6 用户注销


6.6 User Cancellation

If you have thought it through and decided to give up your OCTAVE account, and meet all the cancellation conditions stipulated by OCTAVE, (you can cancel through the menu function) when you cancel the account, we will delete or anonymize your personal information. Once the OCTAVE account is cancelled, it cannot be recovered, so please back up all information and data related to the OCTAVE account before you operate. Please keep the transaction certificates, invoices, and other materials for the order goods and services, otherwise, you may have to pay additional account and order query fees, or you may not be able to enjoy after-sales service. OCTAVE will not be responsible for any adverse effects caused by your account application for cancellation.


7.1 用户须对自己的上网行为负责,包括对自己发表、上传或传送的内容(包括文字、评论、跟帖、弹幕、图片、视频内容、软件产品等)负全部责任。用户须承诺在音昱生活平台上所发布的任何内容均符合中华人民共和国法律、法规、规章以及音昱生活管理规范的规定。音昱生活有权对用户发布的任何不符合管理规定的内容予以删除,且不承担任何责任。

7.Usage Guidelines for Sound Living

7.1 Users must be responsible for their own online behavior, including taking full responsibility for the content they post, upload or transmit (including text, comments, posts, bullet screens, pictures, video content, software products, etc.). Users must promise that any content they publish on the Sound Living platform complies with the laws, regulations, rules of the People’s Republic of China, as well as the management regulations of Sound Living. Sound Living has the right to delete any content posted by users that does not comply with the management regulations, and assumes no responsibility.

7.2 用户不得发表下列信息:




























7.2 Users must not post the following information:

(1) Against the basic principles established by the Constitution.

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets.

(3) Subverting the state power, overthrowing the socialist system, inciting to split the country, and undermining national unity.

(4) Damaging the honor and interests of the state.

(5) Advocating terrorism and extremism.

(6) Advocating national hatred, national discrimination, and undermining national unity.

(7) Inciting regional discrimination and regional hatred.

(8) Destroying the country’s religious policies and advocating cults and superstitions.

(9) Fabricating and spreading rumors, false information, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability.

(10) Spreading and disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or instigating crimes.

(11) Endangering network security, using the network to endanger national security, honor, and interests.

(12) Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legal rights and interests of others.

(13) Threatening others with violence, implementing human flesh searches.

(14) Involving others’ privacy, personal information, or data.

(15) Spreading foul language, damaging social public order and good customs.

(16) Infringing upon others’ privacy rights, reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights and other legal rights and interests.

(17) Spreading commercial advertisements, or similar commercial solicitation information, excessive marketing information and junk information.

(18) Using languages other than the common languages of this website for comments.

(19) Completely unrelated to the information commented on.

(20) The information posted is meaningless, or deliberately using character combinations to evade technical review.

(21) Infringing upon the legal rights and interests of minors or harming the physical and mental health of minors.

(22) Taking photos or recording others without permission, infringing upon the legal rights of others.

(23) Contains content that is terrifying, violent, bloody, highly dangerous, and harmful to the physical and mental health of the performer or others, including but not limited to the following situations:

1) Any violent and/or self-harming content.

2) Any content that threatens life and health, uses dangerous tools such as knives to perform, and endangers one’s own or others’ personal and/or property rights.

3) Encouraging or inducing others to participate in dangerous or illegal activities that may cause personal injury or death.

(24) Other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, public order, and good customs, interferes with the normal operation of OCTAVE, or infringes upon the legal rights and interests of other users or third parties.

7.3 用户使用音昱生活产品与服务时,承诺并遵守以下规定:






7.3 When users use OCTAVE products and services, they promise and comply with the following provisions:

(1) All actions taken comply with the provisions and requirements of national laws, regulations and other normative documents and various rules of OCTAVE, do not violate public interests or public morals, do not harm the legitimate rights and interests of others, and do not violate the relevant rules of this agreement.

(2) Do not post product or service information that is prohibited by the state or suspected of infringing on the intellectual property or other legal rights of others, do not post product or service information that violates public interests or public morals or that OCTAVE deems unsuitable for posting on OCTAVE, and do not post other information that is suspected of being illegal or violating this agreement and various rules.

(3) Unless otherwise agreed with OCTAVE, users must not use any data/material in OCTAVE for commercial purposes, including but not limited to copying, disseminating and other methods to use all materials or courses displayed in OCTAVE without the prior written consent of OCTAVE.

(4) Do not use any device, software, or program to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of OCTAVE or any transaction and activity being conducted on the OCTAVE platform.

(5) Unless the law has mandatory provisions, without the express special written permission of OCTAVE, no unit or individual may illegally copy, reproduce, quote, link, crawl or use the information content of OCTAVE products in any other way in whole or in part, otherwise, OCTAVE has the right to hold it legally responsible.

7.4 用户行为要求


7.4.1 使用未经授权或许可的任何插件、外挂、系统或第三方工具对音昱生活产品及相关服务的正常运行进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响。

7.4.2 利用或针对音昱生活产品及相关服务进行任何危害计算机网络安全的行为,包括但不限于:












7.4.3 如果音昱生活有理由认为您的行为违反或可能违反上述约定的,音昱生活可独立进行判断并处理,且在任何时候有权在不事先通知的情况下终止向您提供服务,并依法追究相关责任。

7.4 User Behavior Requirements You should be responsible for your behavior in using OCTAVE products and related services. Unless the law permits or with the prior written permission of OCTAVE, you should not engage in the following behaviors when using OCTAVE products and related services:

7.4.1 Use any unauthorized or permitted plug-ins, plug-ins, systems, or third-party tools to interfere with, disrupt, modify, or impose other impacts on the normal operation of OCTAVE products and related services.

7.4.2 Engage in any behavior that harms computer network security using or targeting OCTAVE products and related services, including but not limited to:

(1) Activities that harm network security such as illegally intruding into the network, disrupting the normal functioning of the network, and stealing network data.

(2) Provide programs and tools specifically used for activities that harm network security such as intruding into the network, disrupting the normal functioning of the network and protective measures, and stealing network data.

(3) Knowingly assist others in activities that harm network security by providing technical support, advertising promotion, payment settlement, etc.

(4) Use unauthorized data or enter unauthorized servers/accounts.

(5) Without permission, enter the public computer network or someone else’s computer system and delete, modify, add storage information.

(6) Without permission, attempt to probe, scan, test the weakness of the OCTAVE system or network or other behaviors that destroy network security.

(7) Attempt to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the OCTAVE system or website, deliberately spread malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services.

(8) Forging TCP/IP packet name or part of the name.

(9) Reverse engineer, disassemble, compile, or try to discover the source code of OCTAVE products and related services in other ways.

(10) Maliciously register OCTAVE account, including but not limited to frequent, batch registration of accounts.

(11) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, this agreement, the company’s relevant rules, and infringe on the legal rights and interests of others.

7.4.3 If OCTAVE has reason to believe that your behavior violates or may violate the above agreement, OCTAVE can independently judge and handle it, and has the right to terminate the provision of services to you at any time without prior notice and pursue legal responsibility.

7.5 音昱生活信息内容适用规范

7.5.1 未经音昱生活书面许可,您不得自行或授权、允许、协助任何第三人对音昱生活产品及相关服务中信息内容进行如下行为:





7.5.2 经音昱生活书面许可后,用户对音昱生活产品及相关服务的信息内容的分享、转发等行为,还应符合以下规范:





(5)用户向任何第三人分享、转发、复制音昱生活产品及相关服务信息内容的行为,还应遵守 音昱生活产品的其他规范和标准,如《社区公约》、《社区规范》及音昱生活其他功能的相关协议。

7.5 OCTAVE Information Content Applicability Norms

7.5.1 Without OCTAVE’s written permission, you must not do the following actions to the information content in OCTAVE products and related services by yourself or authorize, permit, assist any third party:

(1) Copy, read, use the information content of OCTAVE products and related services for commercial purposes including but not limited to publicity, increasing reading volume, browsing volume, etc.

(2) After unauthorized editing, organizing, arranging the information content of OCTAVE products and related services, display it on channels outside the source page of OCTAVE products and related services.

(3) Adopt any form of identification method including but not limited to special identification, special code, etc., by yourself or assist third parties to generate traffic, reading volume guidance, transfer, hijacking and other adverse effects on the information content of OCTAVE products and related services.

(4) Other behaviors of illegally obtaining or using the information content of OCTAVE products and related services.

7.5.2 After OCTAVE’s written permission, the user’s sharing, forwarding and other behaviors of the information content of OCTAVE products and related services should also comply with the following norms.

(1) For the related search hot words, hit rate, classification, search volume, click rate, reading volume and other related data obtained by crawling and counting, without the prior written consent of OCTAVE, the above data should not be publicized, provided, disclosed to any third party in any way.

(2) No form of any changes to the source webpage of OCTAVE products and related services is allowed, including but not limited to the homepage link entrance of OCTAVE products and related services, and no form of obstruction, insertion, pop-up windows, etc. that hinder the display of the source page of OCTAVE products and related services is allowed.

(3) Safe, effective, and strict measures should be taken to prevent the information content of OCTAVE products and related services from being illegally obtained by third parties through any form including but not limited to “spider” programs.

(4) The relevant data content must not be used for any form of sales and commercial use beyond the scope of OCTAVE’s written permission, or disclosed, provided to third parties, or allowed third parties to use in any way.

(5) The user’s behavior of sharing, forwarding, copying the information content of OCTAVE products and related services to any third party should also comply with other norms and standards of OCTAVE products, such as the “Community Convention”, “Community Norms” and the related agreements of other functions of OCTAVE.

7.6 经音昱生活书面许可后,用户对音昱生活产品及相关服务的信息和内容的分享、转发等行为,还应符合以下规范:




7.6 After OCTAVE’s written permission, the user’s sharing, forwarding, and other behaviors of the information and content of OCTAVE products and related services should also comply with the following norms:

(1) No form of any changes to the source webpage of OCTAVE products and related services is allowed, including but not limited to the homepage link entrance of OCTAVE products and related services, and no form of obstruction, insertion, pop-up windows, etc. that hinder the display of the source page of OCTAVE products and related services is allowed.

(2) Safe, effective, and strict measures should be taken to prevent the information content of OCTAVE products and related services from being illegally obtained by third parties through any form including but not limited to “spider” programs.

(3) The relevant data content must not be used for any form of sales and commercial use beyond the scope of OCTAVE’s written permission, or disclosed, provided to third parties, or allowed third parties to use in any way.

7.7 用户充分理解并同意:







7.7 Users fully understand and agree that:

(1) If the user violates the commitments and norms and causes any legal consequences, the user should independently bear all legal responsibilities in their own name and ensure that OCTAVE is free from any losses or additional costs resulting from this.

(2) If the user violates the law or the provisions of this agreement and causes OCTAVE to be claimed by a third party, the user should fully compensate OCTAVE for all costs (including but not limited to various compensation fees, litigation agency fees, and other reasonable expenses incurred for this).

(3) When a third party believes that the content/products (including but not limited to videos, pictures, text, applications, software, etc.) published and uploaded by the user infringe their rights, or the effective legal documents of the national administrative and judicial organs confirm that you have illegal and infringing behavior, or OCTAVE based on its own judgment, believes that your behavior violates the provisions of national laws and regulations or is suspected of violating the terms of this agreement, OCTAVE has the right to decide to delete the relevant information and publicly announce your suspected illegal/breach of contract behavior and the measures taken against you on OCTAVE or the website.

(4) If you find that the content (including but not limited to pictures, videos, text works, etc.) published by users in OCTAVE infringes your prior rights, you can report it by sending an email to it@livingoctave.com.

(5) For works and content (including but not limited to pictures, videos, text works, portraits, music, etc.) uploaded, published, and stored by users in OCTAVE, the user guarantees that they have the legal copyright/copyright or corresponding authorization for these works, and the user agrees to grant OCTAVE a free, irrevocable, unlimited, and transferable non-exclusive right to use all the aforementioned works and content worldwide. OCTAVE has the right to display, distribute and promote the content, and has the right to use or authorize third parties to copy, modify, publish, distribute, and use the content in any form. OCTAVE may use the works and content for its own promotion or other legal purposes. If you do not agree to authorize OCTAVE to use it, please send an email to it@livingoctave.com to contact us.

(6) For content and products suspected of being illegal, in breach of contract, or infringing on the legal rights of others by users on OCTAVE, OCTAVE has the right to delete them without notice and assumes no responsibility.


8.1 用户理解并同意,在使用音昱生活服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使服务发生中断、延迟。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害(如洪水、台风、地震等)、社会事件(如战争、暴动、政府行为)等,出现上述情况时,音昱生活会努力对产品和服务进行修复,但由此给您造成的损失,音昱生活在法律允许的范围内免责。


8.1 Users understand and agree that in the process of using OCTAVE services, there may be risks such as force majeure that cause the service to be interrupted or delayed. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable, and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters (such as floods, typhoons, earthquakes, etc.), social events (such as wars, riots, government actions, etc.). In such cases, OCTAVE will strive to repair the products and services, but OCTAVE is exempt from any losses caused to you within the scope permitted by law.

8.2 在法律允许的范围内,音昱生活对以下情形导致的服务终端或受阻不承担责任:






8.2 Within the scope permitted by law, OCTAVE is not responsible for the termination or obstruction of services caused by the following situations:

(1) Destruction by computer viruses, trojans or other malicious programs, hacker attacks.

(2) Failures of the user or OCTAVE’s computer software, systems, hardware, and communication lines.

(3) Improper operation by the user.

(4) The user uses this service in a way not authorized by OCTAVE.

(5) Other circumstances that OCTAVE cannot control or reasonably foresee.

8.3 用户理解并同意,在使用音昱生活产品和服务的过程中,可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户带来的风险和损害,音昱生活不对任何信息或产品的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对因侵权行为给您造成的损害负责。这些风险包括但不限于:



8.3 Users understand and agree that in the process of using OCTAVE products and services, they may encounter risks and damages brought by network information or other users. OCTAVE does not assume any responsibility for the authenticity, applicability, legality of any information or product, nor is it responsible for any damages caused to you by tort. These risks include but are not limited to:

(1) Information from others that is anonymous or impersonated, containing threats, defamation, offensive or illegal content.

(2) Due to the use of products or services under this agreement, suffering from others’ misleading, deception, or any other psychological, physiological, and economic damages that cause or may cause.

8.4 音昱生活依据本协议享有处理不法、违规内容、产品或服务的权利,但该权利不构成音昱生活的义务和承诺,音昱生活不保证及时发现并做出相应处理。

8.4 OCTAVE has the right to deal with illegal and irregular content, products, or services according to this agreement, but this right does not constitute OCTAVE’s obligation and commitment, and OCTAVE does not guarantee to find and deal with it in time.

8.5 对于单项产品运营者通过音昱生活向您提供的单项产品或服务,由单项产品运营者独立承担与该项产品或服务有关的全部责任和义务,其他音昱生活对此不承担任何责任和义务。

8.5 For the single product or service provided to you by the single product operator through OCTAVE, the single product operator shall independently bear all responsibilities and obligations related to this product or service, and other OCTAVE shall not bear any responsibility and obligation for this.

8.6 您在音昱生活可以选择使用您的第三方支付账户及绑定银行卡进行支付,您理解并确认,该支付服务由具备合法资质的第三方向用户提供,除了受到本《用户协议》的约束之外,还要受第三方支付服务方及金融机构的条款和政策的约束。

8.6 You can choose to use your third-party payment account and bound bank card for payment in OCTAVE. You understand and confirm that this payment service is provided by a third party with legal qualifications to users, in addition to being bound by this “User Agreement”, it is also subject to the terms and policies of the third-party payment service provider and financial institutions.


9.1 用户应规范、合法地使用音昱生活及服务,如用户发布违法、违背社会公德或违背本协议约定的信息,或有违反相关法律法规或本协议的行为,音昱生活有权采取以下措施:(1)直接删除违反法律法规或本协议的内容;(2)中止或限制您使用音昱生活及其产品和服务的权利,包括但不限于限制您使用音昱生活部分或全部功能及产品、服务等;




9.Changes, Suspension, or Termination of Products/Services

9.1 Users should use OCTAVE and its services in a regular and lawful manner. If a user posts information that is illegal, contrary to public morals, or contrary to the agreement of this agreement, or behaves in violation of relevant laws and regulations or this agreement, OCTAVE has the right to take the following measures:

(1) Directly delete content that violates laws, regulations, or this agreement.

(2) Suspend or restrict your right to use OCTAVE and its products and services, including but not limited to limiting your use of some or all functions of OCTAVE, services, etc.

(3) Terminate your right to use OCTAVE.

(4) Reclaim your account, and at the same time, have the right to prohibit you from applying or obtaining a new account in other ways.

(5) Pursue your legal responsibility according to law and claim corresponding damages.

9.2 音昱生活有权根据业务发展需要中止、变更、终止音昱生活产品或其部分功能,并有权决定是否(继续)提供音昱生活中的某种产品和服务;对于前述情形,音昱生活并不负有向用户通知的义务。

9.2 OCTAVE has the right to suspend, change, and terminate OCTAVE products or some of its functions according to business development needs, and has the right to decide whether to (continue) provide a certain product and service in OCTAVE; for the situation, OCTAVE does not have the obligation to notify users.

9.3 除法律另有规定外,用户有责任自行备份存储在 音昱生活的数据,如用户的服务被终止, 音昱生活有权从服务器上永久地删除您在音昱生活的全部相关数据,并不负有向您返还或以任何形式提供前述数据的义务。

9.3 Unless otherwise provided by law, users are responsible for backing up data stored in OCTAVE by themselves. If your service is terminated, OCTAVE has the right to permanently delete all your related data from the server and does not have the obligation to return or provide the data to you in any form.

9.4 您可以在音昱生活产品中开启和使用单项或特定服务。某些单项服务可能需要您同时接受就该服务特别制订的协议或者其他约束您与该项服务提供者之间的规则。音昱生活将以醒目的方式提供这些协议、规则供您查阅。一旦您开始使用上述服务,则视为您同时接受有关单项服务的相关协议、规则的约束。

9.4 You can turn on and use individual or specific services in OCTAVE products. Some individual services may require you to also accept an agreement specifically formulated for the service or other rules that bind you and the service provider. OCTAVE will provide these agreements and rules for you to check in a prominent way. Once you start using the above services, it is deemed that you also accept the constraints of the relevant agreements and rules of the individual services.


10.1 若您是未满18周岁的未成年人,您应在您的监护人监护、指导下并获得监护人同意的情况下,认真阅读并同意本协议后,方可使用音昱生活产品及相关服务。若您未取得监护人的同意,监护人可以通过平台公示渠道通知平台处理相关帐号,平台有权对相关帐号的功能、使用进行限制,包括但不限于浏览功能。

10.Terms of Use for Minors

10.1 If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should use the products and related services of OCTAVE under the supervision and guidance of your guardian and with their consent. If you have not obtained the consent of your guardian, the guardian can notify the platform to handle the relevant account through the platform’s public announcement channel. The platform has the right to restrict the functionality and use of the relevant account, including but not limited to the browsing function.

10.2 音昱生活非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护,未成年用户在填写个人信息时,请加强个人保护意识并谨慎对待,并应在取得监护人的同意以及在监护人指导下正确使用音昱生活产品及相关服务。

10.2 OCTAVE attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. When minors fill in personal information, they should strengthen their personal protection awareness and handle it carefully and should correctly use OCTAVE’s products and related services under the guidance of their guardian and with their consent.

10.3 未成年人用户及其监护人理解并确认,如您违反法律法规、本协议内容,则您及您的监护人应依照法律规定承担因此而可能导致的全部法律责任。

10.3 Minor users and their guardians understand and confirm that if you violate laws, regulations, and the content of this agreement, you and your guardian should assume all legal responsibilities that may result from this in accordance with the law.

10.4 音昱生活专门为未成年人提供未成年人模式,监护人应为未成年人选择使用未成年人模式。

10.4 OCTAVE provides a minor mode specifically for minors, and guardians should choose the minor mode for minors.

10.5 未成年人用户特别提示

10.5.1 未成年人使用音昱生活产品及相关服务应该在其监护人的监督指导下,在合理范围内正确学习使用网络,避免沉迷虚拟的网络空间,养成良好上网习惯。

10.5.2 青少年用户必须遵守《全国青少年网络文明公约》:






10.5.3 为更好地保护未成年人隐私权益,公司特别提醒您慎重发布包含未成年人素材的内容,一经发布,即视为您已获得权利人同意在音昱生活产品及相关服务展示未成年人的肖像、声音等信息,且允许公司依据本协议使用、处理该等与未成年人相关的内容。

10.5 Special reminders for minor users

10.5.1 Minors should use OCTAVE’s products and related services under the supervision and guidance of their guardians, learn to use the internet correctly within a reasonable range, avoid indulging in virtual cyberspace, and develop good internet habits.

10.5.2 Adolescent users must comply with the “National Adolescent Internet Civilization Convention”:

(1) Be good at learning online, do not browse bad information.

(2) Be honest and friendly in communication, do not insult or deceive others.

(3) Enhance self-protection awareness, do not casually make appointments with netizens.

(4) Maintain network security, do not disrupt network order.

(5) Be beneficial to physical and mental health, do not indulge in virtual space.

10.5.3 To better protect the privacy rights and interests of minors, the company specifically reminds you to carefully release content containing minors. Once released, it is deemed that you have obtained the consent of the rights holder to display the portrait, voice, etc. of the minor in OCTAVE’s products and related services and allow the company to use and process such content related to minors in accordance with this agreement.

10.6 监护人特别提示

10.6.1 如您的被监护人使用音昱生活产品及相关服务的,您作为监护人应指导并监督被监护人的注册和使用行为,如您的被监护人申请注册音昱生活帐号,公司将有权认为其已取得您的同意。

10.6.2 您的被监护人在使用音昱生活产品及相关服务时可能使用充值、打赏等功能。您作为监护人,请保管好您的支付设备、支付账户及支付密码等,以避免被监护人在未取得您同意的情况下通过您的音昱生活帐号使用充值、打赏等功能。

10.6 Special reminders for guardians

10.6.1 If your ward uses OCTAVE’s products and related services, you as a guardian should guide and supervise the registration and use behavior of the ward. If your ward applies to register an OCTAVE account, the company has the right to believe that it has obtained your consent.

10.6.2 Your ward may use functions such as recharge and reward when using OCTAVE’s products and related services. As a guardian, please keep your payment equipment, payment account and payment password, etc., to prevent the ward from using the recharge, reward, and other functions through your OCTAVE account without your consent.



11.Breach of Contract

11.1 For the user’s violation of this agreement or other service terms, OCTAVE has the right to judge independently and take measures such as advance warning, refusal to publish, immediate stop of information transmission, deletion of follow-up posts, restriction of some or all the account functions until permanent closure of the account. OCTAVE has the right to announce the processing results and decide whether to resume use based on the actual situation. For actions suspected of violating laws and regulations and suspected of illegal crimes, relevant records will be kept and reported to relevant authorities in accordance with the law and cooperate with the investigation of relevant authorities.

11.2 因用户违反本协议或其他服务条款规定,引起第三方投诉或诉讼索赔的,用户应当自行承担全部法律责任。因用户的违法或违约行为导致音昱生活所属公司及其关联公司、控制公司向任何第三方赔偿或遭受国家机关处罚的,用户还应足额赔偿音昱生活所属公司及其关联公司、控制公司因此遭受的全部损失。

11.2 If the user violates this agreement or other service terms and causes third-party complaints or litigation claims, the user should bear all legal responsibilities. If the user’s illegal or breach of contract causes OCTAVE’s affiliated companies and their associated companies, controlling companies to compensate any third party or be punished by state organs, the user should also fully compensate OCTAVE’s affiliated companies and their associated companies, controlling companies for all losses suffered.

11.3 音昱生活尊重并保护用户及他人的知识产权、名誉权、姓名权、隐私权等合法权益。您保证,在使用音昱生活产品及相关服务时上传的文字、图片、视频、音频、链接等不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权、名誉权、姓名权、隐私权等权利及合法权益。否则,音昱生活有权在收到权利方或者相关方通知的情况下移除该涉嫌侵权内容。针对第三方提出的全部权利主张,您应自行处理并承担可能因此产生的全部法律责任;如因您的侵权行为导致音昱生活所属公司及其关联方、控制公司、继承公司遭受损失的(包括但不限于经济、商誉等损失),您还应足额赔偿音昱生活所属公司及其关联方、控制公司、继承公司遭受的全部损失。

11.3 OCTAVE respects and protects the intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other legal rights and interests of users and others. You guarantee that the text, pictures, videos, audio, links, etc. uploaded when using OCTAVE’s products and related services do not infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other rights and legal rights and interests. Otherwise, OCTAVE has the right to remove the alleged infringing content upon receipt of notice from the rights holder or related parties. For all rights claims made by third parties, you should handle them yourself and bear all legal responsibilities that may arise from this; if your infringement causes OCTAVE’s affiliated companies and their associated parties, controlling companies, successor companies to suffer losses (including but not limited to economic, goodwill, etc.), you should also fully compensate OCTAVE’s affiliated companies and their associated parties, controlling companies, successor companies for all losses suffered.


12.1 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国江苏省苏州市工业园区。

12.Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution Method

12.1 The signing place of this agreement is the Industrial Park of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China.

12.2 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。

12.2 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement are subject to the laws of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).

12.3 若您与音昱生活运营者发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交至江苏省苏州市人民法院。

12.3 If you have any dispute or controversy with the operator of OCTAVE, you should first resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the People’s Court of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.


13.1 如本协议中的任何条款因任何原因部分无效或不具有执行力,不影响本协议中其余条款对双方的约束力。

13.Other Provisions

13.1 If any provision of this agreement is partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it does not affect the binding force of the remaining provisions of this agreement on both parties.

13.2 本协议条款的标题仅为方便阅读而设,不作为解释本协议条款的依据。

13.2 The titles of the terms of this agreement are only set for convenience of reading and do not serve as the basis for interpreting the terms of this agreement.


This Agreement is written in English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
